Click on the button to the left to register for today's conferences.
You will need to provide the requested information in order to register your registration for the course.
Once it is approved, you will receive in your email account, the link to enter the conferences on the day of the event.
We recommend that you enter at least 15 minutes before the start of the event.

By clicking on the button on the left you will be able to download the presentation and the complementary materials of the conferences of the selected day.
Before answering the exam, we ask you for a few minutes to answer a brief survey and rate some aspects of the course taught.

Just in case the poll cannot be applied from Webex, we ask you to answer it by clicking on the button shown.

We remind you that in order to enter to take the course evaluation exam, it will be necessary to log in with a Gmail account.
The exam can be answered a maximum of 72 hours after the end of the last session of the day.

To enter to answer the exam, click on the orange button.